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Premjera! VISKAS, KO NETURI || Rež. R. Kazlas

We 16/10/2024 18:30
25.00 - 30.00
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“The word. A pause – that’s it. I have no more,
What can I say in words.
Only the sky and the heavens, and both in silver
Glowing in ashen hair.”

Poet Valdemaras KUKULAS
1959 – 2011

“When the pain iron cools,
Open your eyes to the colour of heaven and earth -
Like an angel moving away from you,
You shall see the golden head of age.”


Poet Algirdas VERBA,
Valdemaras KUKULAS’ friend
1941 – 2000


The author and director of the play “All You Don't Have” Rolandas KAZLAS:

“One of the books by the poet and literary critic Valdemaras KUKULAS, in which he reviews and reflects on Lithuanian poetry and literature, is called “The End of the Era of the Magnanimous Words”. When you look into the poetry of Valdemaras KUKULAS himself, his attitude in his work, the poet himself seems to be a guardian, a singer of that era of magnanimous words. The guardian, cherisher and creator of those words, like a descendant of some extinct, noble civilisation, a hero of the times when the giants still lived, who came to this time, decorated, sang, lamented and mourned it, us and the future us, this land and this world, this earth and this heaven, and then he went back to the Magnanimity that he missed so much, that he searched for so devotedly in this life, in this creation, in this increasingly spiritless time.  

The performance “All You Don't Have” is first of all, of course, dedicated to the fans of the poet Valdemaras KUKULAS, and at the same time - to all the lovers of Lithuanian poetry, because, after all, this poet, who remained faithful to his poetry to the very end, is one of the most interesting authors, who has given all of himself to his work... Reading his poems, you can feel the painful, sorrowful voice of a lonely poet and a human being, with all human colours. In the poet's own words:

“Your loneliness and your wholeness:

Having lost everything, you are full of everything.”

The poet’s poems are, in fact, the main character and text of the play. was trying to listen to them, to empathise with them: what kind of states, moods one can feel and discover in them. Finally, it was interesting to try to use stage tools to give the poems colours and shadows that you might not realise just by reading the written words.

I am delighted to have the opportunity to touch the work of this extraordinary poet. My sincere thanks to Deimantė, wife of Valdemar KUKULAS, for her help and trust. I am grateful to Vilnius Puppet Theatre LĖLĖ and its staff for the opportunity to work there again after a long break. In 2009, I created my first poetry performance “Iron and Silver” in this theatre, based on the poems of poet Vladas ŠIMKUS. By the way, the play is still alive, it is still being performed, and it still attracts a beautiful and large audience. An interesting coincidence – Vladas ŠIMKUS and Valdemaras KUKULAS were good friends and even neighbours. So I hope that their friendship and neighbourhood will continue in the repertoire of this theatre.”


“It's too late to step back after everything.
You are the arena,
Through which one succeeds,
Who walks on the sharpest edge!”


Poet Vladas ŠIMKUS
1936 – 2004


"Good Lord, please grant you all
Such a good life,
Good Lord, please grant to all,
Oh, for everyone to live like this..."

Poet Valdemaras KUKULAS
Vladas ŠIMKUS’ neighbour


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